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Continued Dominance In Shark Encounters

Florida Continues to Lead in Shark Bites in 2023

Continued Dominance in Shark Encounters

Florida remains the global epicenter for shark bites, with 16 cases recorded in 2023. This figure accounts for 44% of all U.S. shark bites and 23% of unprovoked bites worldwide. While lower than Florida's recent five-year annual average, it highlights the state's persistent dominance in shark encounters.

Historical Perspective and Species Involved

According to the Florida Museum's Shark Attack File, the state has witnessed 896 shark attacks since 1837, making it the second-highest ranked state in terms of attacks. Bull sharks and tiger sharks have been responsible for a significant number of these bites, with bull sharks accounting for 175 attacks and an 18% kill rate. Tiger sharks, though attacking less frequently (125 attacks), have a higher kill rate of 22%.
